MATH 4721/6721 Schedule of Lectures and Exams Spring 2012
Numerical Analysis Dwiggins
Week # 0         Jan 13  
        Overview of Course
Week # 1 Jan 16 LABOR DAY Jan 18   Jan 19  
    §§ 1.1-2 Numerical §§ 1.3-4 Error Sources,
    Representation and Propagation,
      Computation Errors   and Control
Week # 2 Jan 23   Jan 25 HW # 1 Due Jan 27  
§§ 1.5-6 Introduction to §§ 2.1-2 Bisection Method §§ 2.3-5 General Theory
Error Analysis and Newton's Method of Iteration
      for Finding Roots   Methods
Week # 3 Jan 30   Feb 1   Feb 3 HW # 2 Due
§§ 2.6-8 Comparison of §§ 2.9-11 Finding Roots of §§ 3.1-2 Interpolation
Newton's Method Systems of Equations Theory
  with other methods        
Week # 4 Feb 6   Feb 8   Feb 10  
§§ 3.3-4 Finite Difference §§ 3.5-6 Interpolation §§ 3.7-8 Spline
Tables Error Analysis Theory
Week # 5 Feb 13 HW # 3 Due Feb 15   Feb 17 TEST # 1
REVIEW REVIEW Chapters 1-3
Week # 6 Feb 20   Feb 22   Feb 24  
§§ 7.1-2 A Review of § 7.3 Linear Spaces § 7.4 Convergence
Linear Algebra Vector Norms and Perturbation
      Matrix Norms    
Week # 7 Feb 27   Feb 29 HW # 4 Due Mar 2  
§§ 8.1-2 Gaussian §§ 8.3-4 Residuals and Wilkinson's
Elimination Error Analysis "Fig Leaf"
Week # 8 Mar 5 SPRING BREAK Mar 7   Mar 9  
MATH 4721/6721 Schedule of Lectures and Exams Spring 2012
Numerical Analysis Dwiggins
Week # 9 Mar 12   Mar 14   Mar 16  
§ 8.4 The Condition § 8.5 Iteration Methods § 8.6 Iteration Methods:
Number for with Residuals Further Topics
  a Matrix        
Week # 10 Mar 19 HW # 5 Due Mar 21   Mar 23  
§§ 8.7-9 Special Matrices Ch. 9 Numerical  
and corresponding Approximation REVIEW
  algorithms   of Eigenvalues    
Week # 11 Mar 26 TEST # 2 Mar 28   Mar 30  
  § 4.1 From Taylor §§ 4.2-4 Inner Product
Chapters 7-8 to Weierstrass Spaces and
          L2 Approximation
Week # 12 Apr 2   Apr 4   Apr 6  
§§ 4.4-6 Least Squares § 5.1 Numerical § 5.2 Splines and the
Regression Integration Newton-Cotes Method
Week # 13 Apr 9   Apr 11   Apr 13  
§ 5.3 Gaussian § 5.4 Error §§ 6.1-2 Differential
Quadrature Analysis Equations
Week # 14 Apr 16   Apr 18   Apr 20  
§§ 6.2-3 Euler's § 6.10 Runge-Kutta §§ 6.4-5 Other
Method Methods Methods
Week # 15 Apr 23   Apr 25   Friday, Apr 27, 10:30-12:30
REVIEW REVIEW Wednesday, May 2, noonish
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