D. P. Dwiggins, PhD Department of Mathematical Sciences
The University of Memphis

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University of Memphis
Web Site
Class Schedule  

I am currently serving as an instructor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Memphis. I teach applied mathematics, including pre-calculus and calculus courses, differential equations, applied analysis, and numerical analysis.
I also serve as advisor for undergraduate math majors, and occasionally teach engineering and physics courses as well.

My research involves functional analysis and methods of analyzing solutions to integral equations and functional differential equations, including infinite-delay equations. Recently I have been working on problems in combinatorics and quantum mechanics.

Please use the links at left to access the websites for the classes I teach.

Department of
Mathematical Sciences
Spring 2012
MATH 2421
and Seminars
Honors Math II
The Cantor Sect MATH 3410/3411
Honors Seminar
Mathematical Society
MATH 4721/6721
Association of America
Numerical Analysis
American Institue
of Mathematics

Go Tigers Go! Office: Room 368, Dunn Hall
Hours: 11:00-1:00, Mon–Fri
Telephone: 678-4174
Curriculum Vitae
Links (Personal Favorites)
DPD's Dogs

Copyright © 2012 The University of Memphis
Site maintained by the Department of Mathematical Sciences
Last updated 21 Feb 2012

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