Consultant Editor: Dr. George Anastassiou
Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152, U.S.A.
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From: Dr. George Anastassiou
Date: Nov. 2005
Subject: Call for Book Proposals and Book Manuscripts
Dear Colleagues
I have been appointed a Springer Consultant-Editor for Textbooks in Mathematics.
We basically intend to publish high quality, strictly refereed, books in all fields of Mathematics.
THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS A CALL FOR BOOK PROPOSALS AND MANUSCRIPTS. The books we will consider are to fall in one of the following groups: upper level undergraduate, graduate level. We intend to publish only textbooks.
The published books will be suitable for students, researchers, libraries in Mathematical Sciences, Engineering, etc.
Interested prospective authors should send 2 hard copies of their book proposal(about 10 pages) or 2 hard copies of their book in final form (at least 125 pages) along with a PDF version via e-mail to:
Dr.George Anastassiou
Department of Mathematical Sciences
The University of Memphis
Memphis,TN 38152
Tel (901) 678-3144 office
(901)678-2482 secretary
(901)678-2480 FAX
(901)371-9752 home
e-mail ganastss@memphis.edu
Book/manuscripts should be typed in any of the TEX, LATEX, AMS-TEX, AMSLATEX different versions. Authors must follow the publisher's Springer Style file available at www.springer.com.
The authors could provide us a list of 6 possible referees to be used in case our long list of referees does not contain the appropriate persons to do the refereeing job of the particular proposal/manuscript.
Strictly speaking: "Computational Mathematics identifies with
the computational approach in solving mathematical problems within Mathematics or other Sciences, as well as in the real world. The solutions are given either constructively and concretely or algorithmically in forms that can be any of explicit, implicit-visual or approximate and numerical."
Working computationally in Mathematical Sciences has become one of the main trends in the last forty years internationally, so we can understand and solve the complex problems of our scientific and real world.
Next we provide a list of possible areas, and also their combinations, for submitted books.
The partial list of sample subjects follows: computational real and complex analysis, applied analysis, applied functional analysis, approximation theory, O.D.E., P.D.E., Toda-lattice theory, wavelet, neural networks, difference equations, summability, fractals, special functions, splines, asymptotic analysis, inequalities, moment theory, numerical analysis, applied numerical analysis, numerical functional analysis, tomography, asymptotic expansions, Fourier analysis, integral equations, potential theory, sampling theory, signal analysis, graph theory and combinatorics, computational geometry, computational algebra, cryptography, coding, computational number theory, optimization, operations research, mathematical programming, control theory, fuzzy theory, fluid dynamics, econometric theory, computer aided geometric design, functional equations, orthogonal polynomials, game theory, calculus of variations, systems theory, numerical Fourier analysis, computational complexity, etc.
Developing software related to the book material is strongly encouraged where applicable.
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