Vitae Editor in Chief George Anastassiou Department of Mathematical Sciences University of Memphis Memphis, TN 38152, U.S.A. |
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1. Invited 1 hour main speaker in 5th International Congress on Comput. and Appl. Math., July 27 - Aug. 1, 1992; Leuven, Belgium. 2. Invited 1 hour main speaker in ist International Conference on "Approximation, Probability, and Related Fields", May 20-22, 1993, Santa Barbara, CA (U.C.S.B.). 3 Invited 1 hour main speaker in 2nd International Conference on "Non-Linear Analysis," July 10-17, 1996, Athens, Greece. 4. Invited 1 hour main speaker in 5th International Colloquium on "Numerical Analysis, August 13-17, 1996, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. 5. Invited 1 hour main speaker in the 3rd Internatinal Conference on "Marginal Moment Problems," September 1-7, 1996 Prague, Czech Republic. 6. Invited 30 minute talk in International Conference on, "Combinatorial and Global Optimization, Chania-Crete-Greece, May 25-29, 1998. 7. International Congress of Mathematics 94, Zurich, Switzerland. 8. Annual Meetings of the American Mathematical Society (a) January, 1984 (Louisville, Kentucky), also chairman of "Approximation and Expansions" session. (b) January, 1985 (Anaheim, California) (c) January, 1986 (New Orleans, Louisiana) (d) January, 1987 (San Antonio, Texas) (e) January,1988 (Atlanta, Georgia) (invited talk at the special session on total positivity] (f) January, 1990 (Louisville, Kentucky (g) January 1991 (San Francisco, CA) (h) January 1992 (Baltimore, Maryland) (invited to talk at the special session on Harmonic anal., Signals and wavelets) (i) January 1993 (San Antonio, Texas) (k) January 1994 (Cincinnati, Ohio), also he was the Chairman of "Approximation and Expansions" session. (l) January 1995 (San Francisco, CA), presented 3 papers, Chairman of the session "Sequences, Series and Approximations". (m) January 1996 (Orlando, FL) absent, 20 min. invited speaker, in the session "Computational Harmonic Analysis and Approximation Theory." (n) January 1997 (San Diego, CA) (o) March 1997 (Memphis, TN), sectional meeting of AMS, 20 minute invited talk. (p) January 1998, (Baltimore, Maryland), also he was Chairman of Session on "Approximations and Expansions". (q) January 1999, (San Antonio, Texas). (r) January 2000, (Washington, DC). 9. (i) Fifth International Symposium on Approximation Theory January, 1986 (College Station, Texas) (ii) Eighth International Symposium on Approximation Theory, January 1995 (College Station, TX), presented 2 papers. (iii) Nineth International Syposium on Approximation Theory, January 1998 (Nashville, TN). 10. Annual Meetings of Southeastern Approximation Theorists (a) April, 1987 (University of South Carolina) (b) April, 1988 (Georgia Institute of Technology) (c) January 1989 (Texas 6th International Symposium on Approximation Theory, College Station, TX.) (d) April 1989 (Auburn University) (e) March 1990 (University of South Florida) (in conjunction with the lst U.S. - U.S.S.R. international meeting on Approximation Theory.) (f) March 1991 (M.S.U.) (g) January 1992 (Texas 7th International Symposium on Approximation Theory, Austin, Texas) (h) November 1994 (Vanderbilt University), presented 2 papers. (i) April 1997 (University of Georgia, Athens). During 1984-99 I gave: 11. Invited talks at St. Louis University, U.R.I., Brown University, Kent State University, G. Washington UniversityD.C., University of Texas at Arlington, University of Tulsa, Kansas State University, Memphis State University and Wichita State University. 12. Invited talks at University of Duisburg, Technological Institute of Aachen in W. Germany, also in the Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia (Summer 1990), Univ. of Frankfurt, July 91, Oakland University (November 93). 13. Invited talks in most of Greek universities, more than one time in several of them (1984-98). 14. Invited talks during my sabbatical, spring semester 1993: (i) Colloquium and seminar at Univ. N.C. Stat. (Dept. Feb.) (ii) Colloquium at Erlangen Univ., Germany, (Feb. 93) (iii) Colloquium at Univ. of Athens, Greece, (March 93) (iv) Colloquium at Amer. Univ. Cairo - Egypt, (March 93) 15. (i) Regional meeting of A.M.S., U.S.F., Tampa, FL, March 91, 201 minute talk. (ii) Regional Meeting of A.M.S., Univ. Alabama, Tuscaloosa, March 92, 20 minute invited talk. (iii) Regional meeting of A.M.S., S.W.M.S.U, Springfield, Missouri, March 92, 20 minute invited talk. - (iv) Regional meeting of A.M.S., U.T., Knoxville, TN, March 93, 20 minute contributed talk. (v) Regional meeting of A.M.S., U.C.F., Orlando, FL, March 95, two 20 minute invited talks. Presented two 2 papers. (vi) Regional meeting of A.M.S., NYU, Courant Institute, April 96, 10 minute contributed talk. (vii) Regional meeting of AMS, Univ. Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, 20 minute invited talk, Chair of Session, March 1999. 16. Second annual University of Arkansas-M.S.U. Math. exchange. 17. I have been giving,about-2 talks per semester in our Analysis Seminar at University of Memphis (1986-99). 18. Organizer "Approximation Theory" seminar giving/ talks (1994-95). 19. Member of scientific committee of 7th Intern. Congress on Computational and Appl. Math.", July 21-26 1996, Leuven, Belgium. 20. Local chair of regional meeting of the A.M.S. in Memphis, March 1997. 21. Organizer of special session on "Approx. in Math." in. regional meeting of A.M.S. in Memphis, March 1997. 22. During 11-14 April 98 invited, at NYC by Plenum Press to hold organizational talks about GA's, J. of CAAA. 23. During August 23-24, 1999, I was invited/lectured at the University of Macedonia, Greece. 24. I gave invited lectures and did research during March-April 2000 (Sabbatical Semester: Spring 2000) in the following:
OTHER ACTIVITIES (1986-2000) At my invitation, the following researchers have come to M.S.U. for short visits. During each visit, the visitor and I have worked together productively and the visitor has given lectures of interest to other faculty members. 1. J. Kemperman (Rutgers University] 2. G. Dassios (University of Tennessee / Patras University Greece] 3. R. Zalik [Auburn University] 4. 0. Shisha (Ohio State University / University of Rhode Island] 5. S.T. Rachev [U.C. at Santa Barbara] 6. G. E. Cheney (U. Texas at Austin) 7. H. H. Gonska (European Business School - Germany) 8. T. Erdelyi (Ohio State Univ.) 9. C. Chui (Texas A & M University) 10. A. K. Varma (University of Florida) 11. Z. Nashed (University of Delaware) 12. X.M. Yu (Southwest Missouri State University) 13. M. Ganzburg (Courant Institute) 14. D. Kolzow (Erlangen University, Germany) 15. Y. Argyros (Cameron University, OK) 15. Y. Argyros (Cameron University, OK) Book: Research monograph "Moments in Probability & Approximation Theory" Pitman, England 1993, (419 pages). Edited with S.T. Rachev: "Applied Analysis & Stochastics" a special section of "Journal of Computational & Applied Mathematics," Vol. 40, No. 2, June 92. Associate Editor in "Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics," during 1992-1997. Kluwer-Plenum Consultant Editor in "Computational Mathematics and Applications," 1999- . Associate Editor in "Southwest Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics," 1995 - . Associate Editor in "J. of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Math. (electronic)," 1999-. World Scientific Publ. Co., book series in "Concrete and Applicable Mathematics," Editor in Chief; 2000-. Associate Editor in "International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 1998- . Associate Editor in "Advances of Non Linear Variational Inequalities," 1999- CRC Press Applied Mathematics Books Advisor , 1999- Associate Editor in "International Journal of Differential Equations and Applications," 1999- . Associate Editor in "J. Mathematical Inequalities and Applications," 2000- . Associate Editor "Cubo," 1999- Birkhauser-Boston consultant editor in "Applied Mathematical Sciences," Books, 1999-. Editor-In-Chief "Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications,"1998 - - Associate Editor in "Communications in Applied Analysis," 1998- I was the organizer of the 1991 Southeastern Approximation Theorists annual meeting here at M.S.U.: 6th SEA meeting. March 14-16, 1991. I am the Editor of the Proceedings of this conference, published by Marcel-Dekker, Inc., 1992. ("Approximation Theory," Vol 138, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Math.) During my sabbatical of Spring semester, 1993, I did active research at Univ. North Carolina with S. Cambanis (Stat.), and at Oberwalfach - Math Research Center (NATO Grant) with H. Gonska (Math-E.B.S) - Germany. During May 20-22, 93, with S.T. Rachev (U.C.S.B.), I was the organizer of the ist International Conference on "Approximation, Probability and Relate Fields" held in Santa Barbara, CA. The volume of proceedings, edited by G. Anastassiou and S. T. Raschev from the above conference was published by "Plenum" in 1994. Probability and Related Fields" held in Santa Barbara, CA. The volume of proceedings, edited by G. Anastassiou and S.T. Rachev from the above conference was published by "Plenum" in 1994. Guest Editor in "Computers and Math with Appl.," special issue on "Concrete Analysis," Vol. 30, No 3-6, Sept. 1995. Guest Editor in "Computers and Math. with Appl.," special issue "Proceedings of 1997-#919 Memphis AMS Approximation Meeting, " 1999. I have been the referee of several papers in J. Approx. Theory, Mathematical Reviews, and many other journals. I worked for T. M. T. A. committees at M.S.U. in the Springs 1987, 88, also for the travel committee during 1987-88. During 1988-89 I was the Chairman of the 9th Mid-South Colloquium Committee and Coordinator of Math 1213. During 1989-90 I was the Chairman of the Colloquium Committee and course coordinator for Math 1213. I am also a member of the Graduate Faculty. During 1991-92, I was a member of Travel, Mid-South Colloquium and T.M.T.A. committees. During 1991-92, I was a member of the U.of M. Senate. In the Fall of 1992, I was the coordinator for Math 1213. During 1993-94, I was a member of the travel and salary committees. During 1994-95 I was the Chairman of "Mid-South Colloquium" and "Colloquium" Committees, also a member of the hiring committee. During 1995-96 member of Colloquium and Travel Committees. During 1996-97 member of Curriculum and Travel Committees. During 1997-98 member of Travel Committee, Chair Library Committee. During 1998-99 Chair of the Library Committee. During 1999-00 Chair of the Library Committee. Ph.D. thesis advisor to Mi Zhou. "On the study of Probabilistic Approximation Processes," 1997. COMPUTING KNOWLEDGE Computer Literate Heavy Internet User Programming capability in Fortran IV. AREAS OF INTEREST Real and Complex Analysis Set Theory General Topology Functional Analysis Approximation Theory Measure Theory Moment Theory Probability and Stochastic Processes Numerical Analysis Mathematical Programming Operations Research Wavelet & Neural Networks |
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